Tender Monitoring
Every week, the European Commission publicises about 2,400 public procurement notices. This page is updated hourly between Monday and Friday and includes the latest calls for tenders published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU. Every procurement document is published in all 24 official EU languages. Click on the topics that interest you and read further information in your preferred language.
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TED | Agriculture and Food | ALL | EN
- 86421-2025: Denmark – Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment – Vejdriftsudbud 2025Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 86003-2025: Bulgaria – Food, beverages, tobacco and related products – Доставка на хранителни продукти за нуждите на детските и социалните заведения на територията на Община Нова ЗагораPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 86264-2025: Spain – Fish – Acuerdo Marco para la selección de una o varias empresas licitadoras para el suministro de pescados frescos para la Academia Vasca de Policía y EmergenciasPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 85595-2025: Poland – Forestry services – Wyłonienie Wykonawcy w zakresie świadczenia sukcesywnych usług dotyczących realizacji zadania pn.: „Usługi w zakresie gospodarki leśnej, dla Zarządu Zieleni Miejskiej w Krakowie w 2025 roku”Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 85823-2025: Poland – Street-cleaning and sweeping services – (DFP.271.174.2024.AMW) Całoroczne utrzymanie w czystości terenów zewnętrznych administrowanych przez Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie, w tym należących do Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie oraz pielęgnacja terenów zielonychPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 86802-2025: Romania – Sausages – PRODUSE ALIMENTARE DIVERSE IPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 87032-2025: Germany – Road construction works – Eppendorfer Marktplatz Los 1 StraßenbauPublication date: 07/02/2025; Deadline for requesting additional information: 20/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 84059-2025: Romania – Food, beverages, tobacco and related products – Acord-cadru de furnizare diverse produse alimentare - 16 luniPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 84081-2025: Denmark – Coffee, tea and related products – Indkøb af kaffe, the og maskinerPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 84052-2025: Germany – Animal feedstuffs – Futtermittel für die Dienstpferde der BundespolizeiPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 84057-2025: Sweden – Plants – Kontorsväxter, krukor, service och skötselPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 84045-2025: Portugal – Prepared meals – 4025002954/DA/Z0001/2025-Aquisição e transporte, por lotes, de refeições confeccionadas para as Unidades (U/E/O) do Exército, no período de 01 de julho de 2025 a 30 de junho de 2028Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 84019-2025: France – Horticultural products – Fourniture et livraison de produits pour l'aménagement et l'entretien des espaces verts (6 lots)Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 84011-2025: Slovenia – Food, beverages, tobacco and related products – Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih živil in živil iz shem kakovostiPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 86512-2025: Poland – Forestry services – Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Przedborów w roku 2025 r.Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 84098-2025: Poland – Forestry services – „Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Zagnańsk w roku 2025”Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 86685-2025: Poland – Forestry services – Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Niepołomice w roku 2025Publication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
- 84105-2025: Latvia – Food, beverages, tobacco and related products – Pārtikas produktu piegāde Preiļu novada sociālās aprūpes centru vajadzībāmPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract modification notice
- 86925-2025: Cyprus – Parks maintenance services – Διαγωνισμός 200/2024 για την παροχή υπηρεσιών συντήρησης πάρκων και χώρων πρασίνου στο Δήμο Λευκωσίας για δώδεκα μήνες με δικαίωμα ανανέωσης για 12 μήνες συν 12 μήνεςPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime
- 84125-2025: Greece – Dairy products – ΠΑΡΑΤΑΣΗ ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΙΑΣ ΕΙΔΩΝ ΓΑΛΑΚΤΟΠΩΛΕΙΟΥ ΠΡΟΣΧΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΑΓΩΓΗΣPublication date: 07/02/2025; Notice type: Contract or concession award notice – standard regime
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